A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Abbreviations


maddle v.


to bewilder; to confuse; to fluster


??? < OE. gemǣd (mad) + ME suffix –elen (a verbal formative) f. OE -lian

maddlin n.


See madling



madling n.


a silly individual; a fool,


??? < OE. gemǣd (mad) + ME suffix –elen (a verbal formative) f. OE -lian

mag v.


to chatter


< reduced form of magpie

mahn a. & pron.




< OE. min, myn

maiden n.


a clothes-horse


< OE. mægden (maiden, maid, servant)

mair adj., pron., adv., & prep .




< OE. , māra

maister n.


boss; master; schoolmaster; also mester


< ME maister f. OE. magester, magister (leader, chief, master)

maizel v.


to stupefy, to bewilder, to confuse


< ME. masen (to confuse, to bewilder)

mak n.


kind, sort


< ME. mak (design, make)

mak v.


to make; also mek


< ME. maken (construct, produce, make)

makker n.


a forger in the cutlery trade


< ME. macar(e) , macker (maker, creator)

mank v.


to fool about; to play tricks


orig. uncertain

manky a.




orig. uncertain



polite; respectable; decent


< AN. manere, maner, maneire , maniere ( manner, kind, conduct) + OE. –līc (adjectival suffix)

mar n.


a pond


< OE. mære (lake, pond, pool)

mardy a.


spoilt; sulky; moody;


< OE. mierran (to mar, disturb, upset)

mardy n.


a spoilt child


< OE. mierran (to mar, disturb, upset)

mardy-arse n.


a mean person


< OE. mierran (to mar, disturb, upset) + ærs (posterior)

marlock v.


to frolic, play pranks; cf. mullock


orig. unknown

marra n.


See marrow



marrah n.


See marrow



marrer n.


See marrow



marrish n.


a marsh; land liable tof lood


< OE. merisc (marsh, swamp)

marro n.


See marrow



marrow n.


a match;; one of a pair; an equal; an exact copy; a friend, a mate; also marrer, marro, marrow, marra, marrah


< ME. maro(we) , marewe (partner, companion) ??? f. ON. cf OI. margr (friendly)

mash v.


to brew or infuse tea


< OE. masc (mash)

mashin' n.


a container for tea and sugar carried to work


See mash

maslem n.


See maslin



maslin n.


a mixture of grain or pulses; a mixture of various kinds of crops (e.g. wheat mixed with rye); bread made from this mixture; also maslem


< AN. mestilun, mestilon, mestillon

maul n.


a hammer; cf. mell 1


< OF. mail f. L. malleus (hammer)

maund n.


a basket woven from wicker or other material


< OE. mond, mand (basket)

mawk n.


a maggot;


??? < ON. cf. OI. maðkr (maggot, grub)

mawkin n.


a scarecrow; an effigy;


< ME. malkin f. Mal (pet-form of Maud) + -kin (dim. suff)

mawky a.


full of maggots; churlish; of sickly appearance


See mawk

mazzle v.


See maizel



meat-whole a.


having a good appetite and therefore not as ill as is made out; also meyt-whooal


< OE. mete, (food) + hāl (hale, whole)

meeare n.


a mare


< the merging of OE. mearh (horse) and mīre, mӯre (mare).

meeast n. pron. a. & adv.




< OE. mēast

meeastlins adv.




< OE. mēast (most) + -lings (adverbial suffix)

meemaw n.


an individual with an affected manner; a grimace; an affected manner; an affection; also meemo


??? imitative

meemo n.


See meemaw



meeterley a. & adv.


middling; moderately


< OE gemetlīce (moderate, mild)

meg n.


a halfpenny


orig. unknown

mek v.


See mak



melch a.


mild; mellow; tender; soft


< OE. melsc (sweet, mulled, mild)

mell cakes n. pl.


cakes eaten at a mell supper



See mell 2

mell shaf n.


See mell 2



mell supper n.


a supper held at the end of the harvest


See mell 2

mell v.


to interfere; to meddle;


< OF. meller (to mix)

mell 1 n.


a large mallet; cf. maul


< OF. mail f. L. malleus (hammer)

mell 2 n.


the last sheaf of corn cut at harvest time; also mell shaf


orig. unknown

mend v.


to recover from an illness; to add fuel to a fire


< OF amender (correct, improve)

mengle n.


a mangle; a wringer


< Du. and MHG. mangel

mengle-'oil n.


a place housing a communal mangle


< Du. and MHG. mangel +ME. hoil f. OE. hol (hollow)

mense n.


decency; kindness; tidiness; orderliness


var. of mensk (honour, dignity, ornament) ??? < ON. cf. OI. mennska (humanity)

mense v.


to put in order; to tidy


var. of mensk (to dignify, to adorn)??? < ON. cf. OI. mennska (humanity)

menseful a.


decent; proper; neat; tidy


See mense n.

menseless a.


unseemly; indecent; untidy


See mense n.

mention n.


a small amount


< OF. mencion

mester n.


See maister



mew n.


a heap of corn, hay etc; also mow


< OE. mūga, mūha , mūwa , (mow, heap of corn)

mew v.




??? < ME. mew

mewstead n.


a place, normally inside a barn, where corn or hay is stacked up; also mowstead, mowestead, mowsteead, moughstead


< OE. mūga, mūha , mūwa , (mow, heap of corn) + stede (place, locality)

meyas n.


a mouse


< OE. mūs

meyt n.




< ME. mate f. OE mete, (food)

meyt-whooal a.


See meat-whole



mich a. adv. & pron.




< ME. mitch f. OE. micil (much, many)

mickle a. adv. & pron.


much; great; large


< ??? ON. mikil, mykil

midden n.   See middin    

middin n.


a dunghill; a rubbish heap;


< ME. middin ??? f. ON. *myki-dyngja (dung heap)

middleing a. & adv.


See middling



middlen a. & adv.


See middling



middlen a. & adv.        

middling a. & adv.


moderate, fairly well; average,


??? < OE. midlung (middle, midst)

midgies   gnats   < OE. mycg (midge)

midlen a. & adv.


See middling



midlin’ a. & adv.


See middling



mig n.


manure; muck,


< OE. micga (the drainings from manure, urine,)

miln n.


a mill


< OE. myln (mill)

mind v.   to remember; to remind; to pay attention   < OE. myndgian (to be mindful of, to remember)
minnin'-on n.   a snack which staves off hunger until the main meal of the day   ??? < ON. minna (to remind)

mint v.


to aim; to intend; to make a threatening movement


< OE. myntan (to intend, to determine)

mislippen v.


to deceive; to disappoint


orig. obscure

missel pron.


myself; also missen


< ME meseluen

missen pron.


myself; also missel


< ME meseluen

mistal n.


a cowshed ; also mistle


??? < OE mex (dung, filth) + steall(cattle stall)

mistetched a.


badly trained, not properly broken in ( particularly in relation to a horse); acquired bad habits


??? < OE. mistǣ can (to teach amiss)

mistle n.


See mistal



mither v.


See moider



mixen n.


a dunghill; a middin; a pile of refuse


< OE. mixen (dung, dung hill)

mizzle v.


to drizzle with very fine droplets


< ME. misellen (to drizzle)

moak n.


See moke



moider v


to bother; to irritate; to worry; to pester; to complain; also moither, mither


??? < I r. modartha ( dark, morose, murky )

moil n.


labour; drudgery; toil


< AN. moiller, muiller, mouller , (t o wet, to harass, to pester)

moit n.


a speck of dust; a piece of grit


< ME. moyte, moit f. OE. mot (mote, speck)

moither v.


See moider



moke n.


a donkey; also moak


orig, unknown

molly-mawkin n.


an overdressed woman


< Molly (pet form of Mary) + Mal (pet form of Maud) +kin (dim. suffix0

monny a. adv. pron.& n.




< OE. monig (many, much)

mooast a. adv. pron.& n.


most; almost.


< OE. (North.) maast

mooastlins adv.




< OE. (North.) maast + -lings (adverbial suffix)



someone whose behaviour is considered to be affected by the moon


??? < ME moin f. OE. mōna (moon)

mooit v.


See moot



moos n.


a mouse


< OE mūs

moosteead n.


See mowstead



moot v.


to complain; to grumble; also mooit


< OE. mōtian (argue, plead, harangue)

mop n.


a small codfish


< ME. moppe (a young fish)

mort n.


an abundance; a large amount


< ME. morth (a large number)

mort n.


an abundance; a large amount


< ME. morth (a large number)

mosker n.


rust; corrosion,


??? < ON. cf. Da. musk (drizzle, mould)

mosker v


in relation to stone, to decay; to crumble away


??? < ON. cf. Da. musk (drizzle, mould)

moss n.


a peat bog


< OE. mōs (marsh, bog)

moss-crop n.




< OE. mōs (marsh, bog) + cropp (cluster, bunch, crop)

mot n.


a marker used as an aid to ploughing; a projection used as a target in the game of quoits; also motty


< F. motte ( a butt at which to shoot)

motty n.


See mot



moudiwarp n.


See mowdiwarp



moughstead n.


See mewstead



mow n.


See mew



mowdiwarp n.


a mole; also moudiwarp


< ME. moldewarpe f. OE. molde (soil, land) + weorpan (to throw, to cast)

mowestead n.


See mewstead



mowstead n.


See mewstead



mowsteead n.


See mewstead



muck n.


manure; dirt;


< ME. muk (manure, dung, dirt) ??? f. ON. cf. OI. myki (dung)

muck-lather n.


excessive perspiration


< ME. muk (manure, dung, dirt) ??? f. ON. cf. OI. myki (dung) + OE. lēaðor (soda, soap)

muck-leadin' v.


carting loads of manure for spreading on the land


< ME muk (manure, dung, dirt) ??? f. ON. cf. OI. myki (dung) + OE. lǣdan (lead, guide)

muckment n.


dirt; rubbish; something without worth


< ME. muk (manure, dung, dirt) ??? f. ON. cf. OI. myki (dung) + AN.-ment (nom. suff.)

muck-'oil n.


dirty, squalid room or house WR


< ME. muk (manure, dung, dirt) ??? f. ON. cf. OI. myki (dung) + ME. hoil f. OE hol (hollow)

muck-pluggin' v.


loading a cart with manure


< ME. muk (manure, dung, dirt) ??? f. ON. cf. OI. myki (dung) + EMDu. pluggen

mucky a.




See muck

muff n.


a sound; the slightest noise;


orig. uncertain

mule n.


a cross-bred sheep derived from a Swaledale ewe and a Blue-faced Leicester ram


< OE. mūl

mullock n.


something badly managed, a mess, a blunder


< ME. mol, molle (dirt, trash rubbish) ??? f. OE. myl (dust) + -uc (dim.suff.)

mullock v.


to behave clumsily; to mess about; to fool around; cf marlock


< mullock n.

mun v.




< ON. mun (must, shall, will)

mungo n.


cloth made from fibres produced by shredding old woven or felted material


orig. uncertain

murl v.


to crumble


orig. unknown

muss n.


mouth; used particularly when talking to a young child


??? < regional F. muse (mouth, muzzle)

musweb n.


a cobweb


< OE. mūs (mouse) + webb (web, weft)